Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Full-time


About Ê”aq̓am.

ʔaq̓am is a member Community of the Ktunaxa Nation (pronounced ‘k-too-nah-ha’). Ê”aq̓am Organization exists for the Community. Externally, we are here to serve the Community, and internally, we are our own Community, comprised of different departments unified by our Vision, Mission, and Values. As a team, through our own roles and departments, the Ê”aq̓am Organization works together to achieve our strategic plan – “ka kniⱡwityaⱡa ~ Our Thinking”, and continue to progress and move our Community forward.

ʔaq̓am is located in the beautiful, sunny centre of Ktunaxa Traditional Territory in the southeast corner of British Columbia. If you love the outdoors, the mountains, fresh air, and the sun, this is the place for you. We are here to work towards achieving Ê”aq̓am’s Vision: “A vibrant, healthy community, speaking our language, governing effectively, and maximizing our lands and resources for the benefit of future generations and all living things, in a manner consistent with qanikitȼi (our values and principles).” Be a part of an excellent team, perform meaningful work that will realize long-term benefits, share in worthwhile accomplishments, celebrate successes, join in the camaraderie, build strong relationships and enjoy lifelong learning!

For more information, please visit aqam.net